Deaths door hospital, to make sure the writers are compoftabel about the daeths door hospital, about thte mo need to stopped most ofterm roadside facitly over the seat and ver the drivers doorway and undressed as much ase necessary, at which time the diver will re enter with a damp cloth what cannot be acheieved rolled paper attached to. two or three, one after the cubilece but usually it is just one, but the policy onf indivituality come incense, if a little skewed ,who me pobably, thwenty fime not survices in the nest 29 miles, with regard to the wall of the cubicle, with difeference with regard to among you, most of allt he pleasesru of the damnp clothe human scale four hour special on our bout, near fatr sheath time of people, no agreement, This piece is dedicated to two peeople I loved and who died in the past week. Human scale of convinietyl odd conveniences through the driver knows every bump and curve of sudden change of scenery paper towels sounds like eevveybody of member family, of food and drink, indivudal orgiging, of th emen. look outdoor, for your glasses, legal immegrants frech and german, east and west, and all humanity and high humanity, well well well finally worked to the dissaptiosfaction everybody, small cubicles, to the dissation mr or mrs or missis Ann. Of cours.
I have to make a list of all the rules, because I am apart. very nice now what is the problem, the problem of asulym, do you know what the word mea,s yes, you want it? say it in a simple way? you are prisonsres of who, we cannot leave, what is spottiong you, something insilde we need to findf the rights determination, to do waht? not to be what, deptermination from the outside? o and o, one and only, she, o now, outside, determination, imposed as in, from the outside, we shortened o, more information, we saw a movie, the camera is looking over of a the ledt gun, pointing a t a man sitting, its not a camedy, the man with the gun says do you think people with black skin are better dancesrs then you ware, the man with the gun says, do you think silly gameroad should be its not a comedy? do you think daphe dames are lower then doges on the street, no, the man hesistates, the face of the man accros the desk disappears, the man says he was lying, someoneboy washes everything, other man sits, same thing again, about about 10 of these, off camera says the man with the gun says i have a long time, we left left after about a hour.
manic deptression is an ancient hybernation is a time for dream, depression is the mote of imagination, yet, and what do you all mean, asylum, determination, does o know, what do you todo, ? sing kooc, you ymean you sang a minute ago, it didn't have dirty words, what is the complaint, we can not emåain, you wanto toget waya, yo det out? we dod no t get out- sing another song please.
she tried to get in the couch for two or three years, she didn't have credits, she scared me, i didn't know why at the time, not know why, one semester i enrolled, for taking both easey credits. was supposed to talk, disaster, clammed and i would up talking,
beest thurdsay seminar ever, talked three or times abot the culture of an francisco, mechanical device, it had to be mechanical and because he didn't have the attitude for electronic device, the women she tild me that her husband was working for designing a bridge, some other ebridges, bt it seemed not to tmatter, very body needed a projects, this one made a lovely song, the woman who's husband talked three or four times about the ideas of uiji, helped her mixed of many pure tones, using proportions, not great not bad, i was in the collage copyshop, she came by and asked then the woman who had made th chinese song, she was chinese, she was happy to be accepted in the serminar, for many years for a ghost, and prevented her for being accepted pervented her form doing her work, whos husband was an engineer, you have took a way the ghost, the women said, yes I know. higher education, the river deepens when it gets down to the sea.
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